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When Technology Slows You Down

I firmly believe that everyone’s future can be richer and happier when technology is used properly. “Properly” is the key word though. With the past 20 years+ worth of advanced technology pouring into everyone’s lives it can easily become a problem rather than an advantage. So what can we do to ensure we’re not being slowed down by our tech? How can we ensure that it’s indeed making our future (and present) better?

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Review: Jeda USB Hub For Tesla Model 3

The front USB ports on the Tesla Model 3, which were originally just intended to be used to charge your phone, have become quite vital. You may want two phones plugged in and charging, a USB drive and even other things all plugged into them meaning you need a USB hub. With all this extra tech it can quickly become a bit of a mess in there too so Jeda has come out and custom made a USB Hub especially for the Model 3.